Outside Temperature |
10.9°C |
Wind Chill |
10.9°C |
Heat Index |
10.9°C |
Dewpoint |
10.0°C |
Humidity |
94% |
Barometer |
1028.0 mbar |
Barometer trend (3 hours) |
0.5 mbar |
Wind |
0 km/h from N/A ( N/A) |
Wind Gust |
2 km/h from N (0°) |
Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/h |
Time since last rain |
0 days, 1 hour, 20 minutes |
Inside Temperature |
19.1°C |
Inside Humidity |
65% |
UV |
0.0 |
Solar Radiation |
0 W/m² |
High Temperature
Low Temperature
10.9°C at 00:00:04
10.8°C at 02:27:16
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
10.9°C at 00:00:04
10.8°C at 02:27:16
High Humidity
Low Humidity
94% at 00:51:34
93% at 00:00:04
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
10.0°C at 00:53:16
9.8°C at 00:00:21
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1028.0 mbar at 04:09:02
1027.0 mbar at 00:04:01
Today's Rain |
0.2 mm |
High Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/h at 00:00:04 |
Last Rain on |
02/11/24 02:59:00 |
High Wind
Beaufort Windforce
8 km/h, 2 Beaufort or Light breeze,
from W (278°) at 00:47:06
Average Wind
2 km/h
RMS Wind
2 km/h
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
2 km/h
WNW (281°)
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
19.3°C at 00:08:00
19.1°C at 03:50:02
High UV
0.0 at 00:00:04
High Radiation
0 W/m² at 00:00:04
ISS Signal Quality |
94% |
ISS Battery Status |
Console Battery Voltage |
4.6 V |
Server Uptime |
13 days, 10 hours, 17 minutes |
Weewx Uptime |
13 days, 10 hours, 17 minutes |
Weewx Version |
3.9.2 |
Click image for https://www.buienradar.be
Click image for https://www.buienradar.nl
Click image for https://www.buienradar.nl
Click image for https://www.buienradar.nl
Click image for https://www.blitzortung.org/live_lightning_maps.php?map=16
A sky view (ESE) on the PA3SK antenna tower.
(Refreshed every 10 seconds)
Click image for https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=ILIMBURG113
Click image for https://www.pwsweather.com/obs/ECHTNL.html
Click image for https://wow.metoffice.gov.uk/observations/details?site_id=d23a0b4b-f863-ea11-b698-0003ff59a029
Click on "Echt" for https://www.awekas.at/nl/instrument.php?id=15050
Latitude: |
51° 06.61' N |
Longitude: |
005° 52.80' E |
Altitude: |
30 meters |
This weatherstation uses a Davis Vantage Vue as console for the outsite unit, a Davis Vantage Pro2, the website is hosted on an OrangePi PC, a credit-card sized Linux computer, and is controlled by weewx, a free, open source software program. The anemometer sensors are mounted high in the antenna tower of my amateur radio station: Pa3SK.
Start civil twilight: |
06:55:21 |
Sunrise Yesterday: |
07:29:07 |
Today: |
07:30:51 |
Tomorrow: |
07:30:51 |
Transit: |
12:20:01 |
Sunset Yesterday: |
17:10:14 |
Today: |
17:08:29 |
Tomorrow: |
17:08:29 |
End civil twilight: |
17:43:58 |
Azimuth: |
75.4° |
Altitude: |
-30.4° |
Right ascension: |
217.8° |
Declination: |
-14.9° |
Solstice: |
21/12/24 10:20:18 |
Equinox: |
20/03/25 10:01:12 |
Rise: |
08:43:37 |
Transit: |
12:58:29 |
Set: |
17:04:01 |
Azimuth: |
74.4° |
Altitude: |
-38.5° |
Right ascension: |
223.9° |
Declination: |
-20.6° |
Full moon: |
15/11/24 22:28:26 |
New moon: |
01/12/24 07:21:20 |
Phase: |
New (0% full) |
Today in Echt 9 hours, 37 minutes, and 37 seconds of daylight,
sunrise is 104 seconds later than yesterday (trend: 0 sec/day),
sunset is 104 seconds earlier than yesterday (trend: -1 sec/day),
In total: 3 minutes, and 29 seconds less daylight than yesterday.